About Lake Cabin Coffee

Lake Cabin Coffee is a small batch roasting company, dedicated to providing quality products at reasonable prices.  We picked the name for our company because it’s one of our happy places.  The lake is a place to relax and enjoy life. 

My husband Rod is the Roast Master for the company.  His love for good coffee drove him to begin roasting his own coffee years ago.  He started with small appliance roasters, spent time with different types of larger coffee roasting companies learning the art of roasting coffee.  Today he uses a Diedrich IR7 roaster because of the precise control it provides- the result is apparent in the cup.  The green coffee we buy comes from all over the world and is chosen for its quality.  The combination of the best coffee beans, the best equipment and experience is the key to our quality product.

We started Lake Cabin Coffee late in 2013.  Friends and family asking for coffee, led to the idea of expanding from a hobby roaster into the business we have today.  The same attention to detail drives our business strategy today.  My name is Chris, if you have questions about what to buy, or would like information about us just email or call.